Enrollment of Students in Secondary Schools
- Education
This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of student enrollment in secondary schools across Kayunga District. It offers detailed information on enrollment figures for each school, broken down by class level and academic year, enabling a thorough analysis of student access and participation in secondary education.
Dataset Contents:
The dataset includes the following key information:
- School Identification: Unique identifiers, school names, and location details.
- Academic Year: The specific academic year for which enrollment data is recorded.
- Class Level: The grade level within the secondary school (e.g., Senior 1, Senior 2, Senior 6).
- Number of Students Enrolled: The total number of students enrolled in each class for each academic year.
- Gender Breakdown (Optional): The number of male and female students enrolled in each class.
- Age Breakdown (Optional): The distribution of student ages within each class.
- Subject Combination (Optional): For upper secondary levels (e.g., Senior 4 and above), the dataset may include information on subject combinations chosen by students.
Purpose and Potential Impact:
This dataset is designed to:
- Monitor Enrollment Trends: Track changes in secondary school enrollment over time, identifying growth patterns, potential declines, and areas of concern.
- Assess School Capacity: Evaluate the adequacy of school infrastructure and resources to accommodate the enrolled student population.
- Identify Access Disparities: Reveal potential inequalities in access to secondary education based on location, gender, or socioeconomic factors.
- Inform Resource Allocation: Guide the allocation of resources for teachers, classrooms, laboratories, and other educational materials.
- Support Educational Planning: Provide data for developing long-term plans for secondary school expansion, curriculum development, and improvement.
- Track Educational Progression: Monitor the flow of students through different secondary school levels, identifying potential dropout points and areas for intervention.
Target Audience:
This dataset is valuable for:
Kayunga District Education Officials
Secondary School Administrators and Teachers
Policymakers and Planners
Researchers and Academics
Development Partners
Parents and Community Members
By analyzing this data, stakeholders can gain a deeper understanding of student enrollment patterns in Kayunga District secondary schools, identify challenges and opportunities, and work towards ensuring that all adolescents have access to quality secondary education.
- Education